June 17th, 2024.

Now that the manifestos of the main political parties have been published, the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) has looked at how the parties measure up when it comes to their commitments in motorcycling related areas.

One positive and welcome area is potholes. All the main parties have recognised the issue and have committed to tackle the scourge of potholes. The campaign the NMC waged both on its own and as part of the cross road users sector ‘Pothole Partnership’ has achieved genuine ‘cut through’ in political terms, with varying levels of commitment from the parties. This is the first time that a key motorcycling issue has been reflected in party manifestos and provides a good basis on which the Council can work with the post-election administration to develop sustainable long-term solutions to the problem.

See: www.uknmc.org/news/election-manifestos-cut-through-on-potholes-but-more-commitment-to-motorcycling-needed

However, in other motorcycling areas, much more needs to be committed by an incoming administration. The Conservative manifesto is the only one with specific motorcycling pledges, with commitments on default motorcycle access to bus lanes and a review of motorcycle licensing, testing and training. This reflects ongoing current work with DfT officials and whoever wins the election, the NMC will be urging Ministers to continue this essential work. Labour have announced a comprehensive road safety strategy in their ‘Plan for Drivers’. This is also welcomed, given ongoing concerns about motorcycle safety, with motorcyclists continuing to face disproportionately high levels of risk when riding on the UK's road network. It is also important the Labour’s ‘Plan’ is not just designed for ‘Drivers’.

Unfortunately, no political party has recognised the wider benefits of motorcycling to individuals, society and the economy and there is little indication of how the Parties view issues relating to motorcycle-specific decarbonisation, Green Roads access, motorcycle sport and historic vehicles. However, some announcements on transport in general do mention areas of individual NMC member interest, such as 20mph limits, electric charge points, smart motorways, ULEZ and insurance.

NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “Manifestos are by necessity a broad based ‘shop window’ for political parties, so in that sense, the consensus that has emerged around the need to tackle potholes is very welcome. Also welcome are issues related to bus lanes, licensing, road safety and other areas which have been mentioned. It’s clear from these that the NMC’s work is impacting positively on the overall political narrative. But given the growing importance of powered two wheeled transport and the range of opportunities that motorcycling - and also other Powered Light Vehicle types - offers to overall transport policy, it is unfortunate that no political party has mentioned these as part of their headline transport policy priorities. Issues relating to micro mobility are also overlooked.

“However, manifestos and detailed transport policy priorities are two very different things, with the latter developed once an administration has been elected. The NMC is looking forward to working with the incoming administration on developing motorcycle specific policies. Our message to the successful party on July 4th, is to not rip up previous departmental work and start again – particularly on bus lanes and licensing, but to pick up this work, improve upon it and make positive announcements in these areas. This work must also include a commitment to develop a new strategy for motorcycling.”

Motorcyclists are urged to contact their local election candidates to seek their support for motorcycling, with full resources and the NMC’s ‘Motorcycling Matters’ manifesto available here: https://motorcyclingmatters.co.uk/call-to-action/ 

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