March 27th, 2025.

Forget manhandling motocrossers, trials machines and enduro bikes onto sometimes precarious box stands; RS Workshop Equipment can now offer you the ‘best in class’ lift that will enable you to work on these and many other machines without succumbing to sore knees or backs. Safe and secure in the knowledge that the bike can be held solidly in place.

Capable of lifting up to 500 kg with ease.

Use its cable remote control to position anywhere from ground level to over 1.1 metres on 360 degree rotating base plate.

Once you’ve used one of the electrically operated hydraulic scissor lifts you’ll never look back.

Genuine Italian design and manufacture. Not to be compared to with imitations from the far east.

Ideal for display purposes too. Add to your showroom and display your latest must-have MX bike to the best possible effect.

Available at now at a special price from RS Workshop Equipment on 01832 741007.

RRP £2,395 plus delivery and VAT

For further details 

All prices quoted are subject to delivery and VAT as appropriate.

RS Workshop Equipment Ltd
Mobile 07711 768148
Office. 01832 741007
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