March 18th, 2025.

The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) is today renewing calls on the Government to move much further and faster on its commitment to improve roads maintenance.

The call comes as the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) publishes its latest annual report. The 2025 Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance Survey Report reveals that the backlog of carriageway repairs in England and Wales has reached new heights at almost £17 billion, while roads are only surfaced, on average, once every 93 years. More than half (52%) – equivalent to around 106,000 miles– of the local road network is reported to have less than 15 years’ structural life remaining. Almost a third of these – 34,600 miles or one in six of the total – may only have up to five years life left.

Almost all local authorities told the AIA that in their opinion, there has been no improvement to their network over the last year, with 65% stating that conditions have declined. Over £20 billion has been spent on carriageway maintenance in England and Wales over the last decade but, due to the short-term allocation of this funding, there have been no significant improvements in structural road conditions.

Poor roads maintenance and potholes are a clear and present road safety risk to motorcyclists and other vulnerable road users. The Pothole Partnership comprising The AA, British Cycling, JCB, the National Motorcyclists Council, with other supporting organisations, previously welcomed the Government’s commitment to £1.6bn funding for local road maintenance in England, but the ALARM report confirms that this is only a small part of the investment needed if we are to see real change and safer roads for motorcyclists and other roads users.

A key issue is that poorly planned and executed repairs not only wastes available funding, but also doesn't provide longer a term solution. the Partnership continues to urge local authorities to implement the Pothole Partnership’s five-point ‘Pothole Pledge’ and prioritise permanent resurfacing and repairs over the temporary ‘patch and run’ approach that we have seen in previous years.

NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “The latest ALARM report should act as a wakeup call for the Government. Although the nation’s finances face serious challenges, the AIA noted that the Department for Transport's (DfT) 2024 economic appraisal for investing in local highways maintenance sets out that for every additional £1 invested there is an absolute minimum return of £2.20, with analyses identifying typical returns of up to £9.10 at a national level.

“In order to support the wider economy, there needs to be a complete change in mindset away from short-term ‘quick fixes’ to long-term funding commitments. There needs to be a sustainable long-term funding settlement for Local authorities and in return, local authorities need to commit to road repairs using permanent and precise methods and technologies, with a clampdown on wasteful and inefficient outsourcing, plus proper reporting of progress. This is the type of thinking that is needed to create a safer roads environment for motorcyclists and in turn kickstart better local connectivity and growth.”

The ALARM report comes as NMC member and Pothole Partnership supporter, TyreSafe, releases new guidance for motorcyclists. TyreSafe comment that as the as Spring brings changed weather and motorcycle mileages increase, regular tyre checks are a key part of ensuring motorcycles are in the best shape to deal with often unpredictable, broken or potholed roads..

TyreSafe encourages all riders – from commuters to leisure riders – to check their tyres for air pressure, condition, and tread depth before each ride. TyreSafe's new suite of motorcycle tyre safety resources offers guidance on maintaining tyres for safe and sustainable riding. These materials are available for download from the Resources section of the TyreSafe website.
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